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  【環球網綜合報道】韓國紐西斯通訊社10月28日援引輿論調查機構Research View28日公佈的一份調查顯示,在對韓國5名前任及現任總統的好感度調查中,已故前總統盧武鉉名列第一關鍵字,前總統李明博位居倒數第一。

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妻子的夢 王建瑄 我在擔任財政部長時,有次要升遷一位女同仁為局長。我約見她時,她很猶豫,說「先生會反對」。我自告奮勇的要了她先生的電話,願意直接跟他溝通。電話接通,我表明意思後,這位先生以怒不可遏的口氣對我說:「你們財政部都沒有人了嗎?」 我突然領會到這位女同仁的苦衷了。她先生是位大男人主義者。大男人主義厲害的人,常會伴隨著高度的自卑感。妻子所得到的成就與讚賞,常是他的負擔。 以往在選舉時,我常四處為黨尋覓人才,鼓勵優秀的人參選。許多 時候 先生同意,太太就是不同意。最後幾經遊說,先生做下最後決定後,太太們也都毅然挺身為先生助選。 她們非但不辭勞苦,且助選時還有模有樣。先生當選後,太太就進入服務處,繼續為先生分勞。她們真是嫁雞隨雞,夫唱婦隨的賢慧女性。 可是反過來看,男人就往往不是如此。有 時 太太想做某件事,但由於先生反對,小額信貸就是不能去做。 連 太太有升任局長的機會,也因為先生的反對,只好作罷。 試想,如果先生升任局長,太太會反對嗎?太太敢反對嗎?反對了會有用嗎? 有位太太幼時家境清貧,因此很想為父母親買間小房子,連父母已有的積蓄算在內,只要再湊二百萬就夠了。 但是先生不贊成,儘管二百萬元對他們而言並非大數目,然而因先生反對,只好作罷。後來二老分別離世,太太孝順父母的心願永遠無法達成,成為她心中永遠的痛。 在大男人主義下成長的男人,常不自覺地只想到自己,而忽視妻子的人生願望。所以每個作丈夫的都應該冷靜的思考一下,回憶一下,有甚麼事是你太太極想做,卻由於你的反對而擱置了的?運用你的智慧來幫助太太圓夢。 人一生都有很多夢,男人的事需要妻子來協助完成。有人說:「妻子是丈夫年輕時的戰鼓,年老時的手杖。那麼丈夫又是妻子的甚麼呢?」讓我們都成為妻子的圓夢人吧! 個人信貸其實投資女人是最划算的,尤其是投資一個好女人,有這樣經歷的男人一定會同意我的看法。女人是奇妙的生物,當你真心打動她之後,她就會不斷地為你付出,直到終老一生。 想一想,你只是花一點點時間陪她去吃飯、看場電影,送一些可愛的小禮物,說些能打動她的話,告訴她你將會帶給她如何一個美好的人生,幫她打打蟑螂、偶爾搬搬粗重的東西?這零零總總加起來,了不起是兩年、三年的時間(比較高竿的一年以內)。換來的是什麼呢?男人的下半輩子!家裡有一個天天為你守候的女人;在你回家時一張迎著你的幸福笑臉(吵架的時候可能沒有,但畢竟吵架的日子少多了),熱騰騰的飯,或是兩人一起去吃飯也不錯;還會為你生孩子(我想,生孩子有多痛不用我多說了),養孩子,處理家事(這是你最煩的,不是嗎?);你失意時,陪你談心、鼓勵你;你高興時,她比你更高興;你得意時,她與你分享喜悅和成信用貸款就;天天夜夜,多少次你們真心的交會。 以上都是三十年以上。而男人在這三十年中,只是做一件他本來就在做的事─上班。 去好好珍惜好女人吧!當你發現這個女人開始為你付出時,你就要了解你的幸福日子已經開始了,當然,你也必須開始為她的一生負責,儘力去做到你給她的夢。 男人之變 男人訂婚前好像---孫子,對女友百依百順,關心有加,忍氣吞聲。 訂婚後好像---兒子,已經開始頂嘴,開始有個人的意見。 結婚後好像---老子,已經變成名符其實的老爺,由他發號施令。 女人之變(寫ㄉ好) 女人訂婚前好像---燕子,愛怎麼飛就怎麼飛,不受拘束自由自在。 訂婚後好像---鴿子,雖然能飛,但必須回家。 結婚後好像---鴨子,再也不能亂飛,祇有看家守著老子。 有人說,一個人過了二十五歲就該為自己的外貌負責任我想,男人最應該為女人的外貌負責任。 一個清麗脫俗的女人跟了一個俗不可耐房屋二胎的男人,日子久了,女人也會變得很庸俗,她的五官沒有改變,皮膚依然白皙,但是她的氣質總是比不上從前了。 我們總是被我們所愛的東西定型,一個女人愛上一個怎樣的男人,她就會變成一個怎樣的女人;女人不美,是男人的責任。 一個本來很漂亮的女人愈來愈憔悴,那麼,一定是她的男人待她不好,她有憂傷,才會失去光彩。 一個本性馴良的女人愈來愈潑辣,那麼,一定是她的男人不爭氣,她只好比他強。 一個清秀的女人變得愈來愈冶艷,那麼,一定是她的男人不能滿足她,她只好把風情投向其他男人。 一個本來很高貴的女人變得愈來愈隨便,那麼,她的男人一定是個沒上進心的人,所以,她也失去了上進心。 一個本來很平凡的女人,變得愈來愈漂亮,愈來愈有氣質,舉手投足愈來愈有味道,那當然是她的男人的功勞。 男人千萬不要抱怨身邊的女人愈來愈難看,她不好看,問題一定出在你身上。房屋貸款 

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PrefacePreface The album you are holding is the record of a very unique organization that celebrates its 10th Anniversary in September 2009. This is the story of a ten-year journey from a simple vision to the creation of PMI Taipei Taiwan Chapter (PMITW). Our proud accomplishment led us to think that recounting the experiences of the past decade would serve not only as a major inspiration of how an organization is conceived and grown, but also as the motivation to successfully move this esteemed organization through its next decade. This book is neither meant as self-aggrandizement nor propaganda. Rather we simply intend to faithfully tell the true story about what we have accomplished to fulfill the responsibilities as a professional not-for-profit organization (NPO) in promoting project management as well as the difficulties and challenges we encountered during our growth to become one member of a global family of known as the Project Management Institute (PMI). In early 2009, this publishing project was launched and authorized by PMITW’s Board of Directors. Because of my personal belief in the original vision, coupled with a decade of service to the organization, I realized that it should be my responsibility to shepherd this project from its inception to its eventual and successful conclusion. This is my final mission as president of PMITW. Our project team 會場佈置is composed of two staff persons that the Secretariat office has - Dr. Simon Fu, current secretary general and Miss Kay Tsao. The team is joined by another volunteer - Dr. Hsing-Tung Chou (HT) – who serves as the book’s reviewer. Despite the number of people directly involved in the project, there can be little doubt that it is truly the result of the collective innovations and synergy of wisdoms of all those involved in the chapter’s history – our Board of Directors, our professional staffs, and the hundreds of volunteers who have dedicated themselves to PMITW. I am truly blessed to have been one of the original founders of the chapter and have been involved in almost all of the activities of the organization since its inception. This has given me a wonderful and unique perspective to view and review the total history of the chapter. Fortunately my good memory supplemented by my self-required habit to write a “time-sheet” and “working dairy” for my daily tasks, has allowed me to be the locus of the chapter’s unique history. Additionally, I have always entreated my staffs to continuously write various press releases and annual reports – that have helped me recount all the details of what was happening, who was involved, which organizations collaborated with us, the problems we encountered, and what our outcomes were. These precious assets made my 開幕活動ambition of writing the story of PMITW to be fulfilled. The original plan was only to write the story in approximately 5,000 to 8,000 words in the first chapter as a general introduction. However, after the start of my work, I was becoming significantly aware that I shouldn’t be limited by these numbers primarily because there are so many things, events, and people that must be included in this truly inspiring story. I especially believed it would be a dereliction of my duty if I just simply described people and events as a quick blip on the screen of the decade-long history of our organization. One of the significant problems I found was I could not tell the story of PMITW without mentioning her twin sister, the National Project Management Association (NPMA). I wore two hats as the president for each of these two NPOs from 2000 to 2006. Before 2003, they were just a “one-body” and were officially separated in 2003, but not totally divided until August 2006 - the day I left NPMA. The long story behind them must be disclosed. In fact, if there were no dream of “bringing PMI to Taiwan,” there would be no NPMA. Conversely, without NPMA, there would be no PMITW. Actually, NPMA was leading the development and promotion of project management in Taiwan as well as in Greater China from 2000 to 2005. Despite the changes of the positions, roles, and status of these two 澎湖民宿NPOs, their successors should always know what their predecessors have contributed to build the solid foundation that they inherit. This is the strongest of all motivations for me to fulfill my obligation! This book was not written at my desk in my single office, but rather came to life as I traveled over two very busy months. I dedicated time to this work using periods in my active life, including every nights, weekends, time during my travels, at my home in Taipei, at a beach resort, at my son’s Virginia home, at my brother’s house in Bay Area of California (looking after my 84 old mother while writing), hotels in Atlantic City, and finally in New York City during my family vacation! I was deeply attracted by the scenarios I was trying to recall, and contacted the many people who had witnessed the details who served to check my memory with their reliable information. In mid-August, when I was in Washington DC visiting my old friends, the story was finally completed at the night of August 17th in 60,000 words (in Chinese) - six multiples of what it was originally intended to be! To accommodate all the additional content, my team decided to restructure this album by differentiating our story into four parts, each with several chapters, for a total 20 chapters. As a consequence I wrote the portion of the book entitled “PMI-Taiwan’s Growth- A Journey to 情趣用品Excellence” which is divided into seven chapters. They include: ‧  Dream and Reality that describes how the founders made their dream of “bringing PMI to Taiwan” come true despite facing a severe lack of resources and funding; ‧ Goal and Actions that depicts how the volunteer team set up a strategic goal to promote and market PMI, as well as PMP; ‧ Advocacy and Cultivation that emphasizes how important it has been to advocate project management in public, and what and how PMITW has spoken to the enterprises and government agencies for developing its reputation and value of PMITW; ‧ Crisis and Opportunity that describes the success of the first project management (PMP/CPMP) training programs in Taiwan (which, in turn, led to many copied trainings that followed as well as some serious infringements to the copyrights of Traditional Chinese translated in the PMBOK Guide). It also mentions the severe challenges that both PMITW and NPMA faced and what problems were solved; ‧ Events, Media, and Campus which records what events PMITW/NPMA have held, and who were the well-known speakers and long term supporters from all over the world. It also depicts how PMITW/NPMA cooperated with those media that helped to promote PMP and cultivate its respective public. It especially reports how the PMITW promoted the CAPM certificate in campus as a model in the world; 澎湖民宿 ‧ Globalization and Localization lists how PMITW actively participated in PMI’s Leadership Institute Meetings and Global Congress in North America, Asia Pacific, and Europe, Middle East, Africa (EMEA) as well as attending research conferences, and volunteer programs to faithfully accomplish our obligation as a faithful member the PMI global society. It also depicts how PMITW/NPMA cooperated with the PMI-Hong Kong Chapter, and Beijing Tsinghua University to develop an exchange platform for advancing project management in the Greater China region. Finally, it also tells the long eight-year journey of how PMITW requested PMI-GOC to provide Traditional Chinese language aid for the PMP/CAPM exam; ‧  Lessons Learned and Value Recreation reflects the facts and observations of the reasons that damaged and depreciated the value of the PMP certificate, and submits recommendations and advice how to protect the PMP and recreate its value. The chapter concludes with the lessons that I have learned from my 10 - plus years’ experiences as a volunteer working for PMI. I regret that I can only provide the English summaries to the non-Chinese reader for each of those chapters due to the limitations of the words of this book. Part II named "Advocacy and Certification Promotions" is divided into 6 Chapters. This part summarizes more than 20 reports with photos of the 花蓮民宿events, e.g., (such as our Annual Plenary Conferences, monthly lectures, seminars, workshops, forums, field trips that were held around the island for serving our members and non-members) while always advocating project management. Also included are reports of special events, such as “PMP Benchmarking Enterprises Award (PBEA)” for promoting the value of PMP and the good practices and applications of project management in organization. In addition, we report on the road shows for promoting CAPM as well as the feedback we received in. Our volunteer program led to hundreds of volunteer joined us for contributing their times, passions, and experiences to us are also addressed. We give a special thank-you to the members of those staffs who have worked for our Secretariat office during the past ten years, including Ivy Liu, Queena Chiu, Queenie Lu, Simon Fu (since six reports were written by Simon in recent years, Dr. David Hillson praised Simon by telling him, “You are getting world famous.”), and Kay Tsao. Their reports demonstrate how outstanding and active we have been and still are. Most importantly, more than 10 of their reports were published in the important publication of PMI Global called “PMI-Today” - a monthly newsletter for over 300,000 PMI’s members throughout the world. These published reports have made PMITW one of the most popular components in PMI 看房子global community due to its high exposure. Although this portion is completely written in Chinese without translation, we don’t have any problem letting our English reader understand most of the contents that we describe, since they are collected and combined with Chinese reports in PMI Today. We show our grateful appreciation to those 24 foreign friends who have been invited and delivered their outstanding speeches, seminars, and/or workshops to our members, and as such, this Part II especially collects their photos along with the dates that they were performed in Taiwan. In addition, the ways and means that our distinguished volunteer program within PMITW has developed is also described. Part III contains 3 chapters under the heading of "Global Outreach and Exchange." It is composed of 15 reports of various global events along with photos of those PMITW delegates that participated from 2003 through 2009. These reports were contributed by HT, Ivy, Paquita Chang, Simon, and Queena from their writings. Our footprints have reached Asia Pacific, North America, and Europe - which cover 10 different countries and 20 cities during these ten years. We also advise how the collaboration of Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Mainland China established “GPAC (Greater China Project Management Advancement Committee). This information focuses on the descriptions of how 土地買賣conferences, round table forums, as well as the “International Project Management Forum (IPMF)” were held in Beijing, Hong Kong, and Taipei (hosted in rotation by the three founding parties since 2005). As in Part II, the reports written by our staff have been posted in PMI-Today and provide significant help for our English readers. The final portion of this album is called "Knowledge Development and Practice Sharing." It is a collection of the professional articles and columns wrote by four persons who have demonstrated the professionalism that our Chapter has developed and promoted. My old friends and long-term supporters to PMITW, as well as well-known speakers and word-class experts in Project Management related fields – such as Dr. David Hillson (the famous “Risk Doctor”) and Dr. Jerry Brightman (leadership expert and the founder of PMI’s Leadership Institute) provide their wisdom and insight. More than 40 David’s “Risk Doctor Briefings” (with their Chinese translation by Professor Mel Fan) have been posted in NPMA and PMITW’s e-Newsletters for the past couple of years. Jerry’s 6 articles have also been broadcasted online to our members. Both of these professionals, despite having never met each other, have both visited Taiwan three times delivering their speeches and workshops (also to Shanghai), and all are quite famous in Taiwan. They 永慶房屋especially help making this album complete by playing the twin roles of reviewers and advisors. Dr. HT Chou, my partner and a life-long friend over 35 years, also contributed his 5 distinguished papers to Part IV. As a prime writer, I think it best to not only have a good beginning, but also a good middle and a strong end. Therefore, I added my 5 previously published articles to this section that make a total of 21 articles. David and Jerry’s chapters are written in both English and Chinese, and HT’s and mine are either in English or Chinese. This part should be most favorable to English readers. Finally, I would like to thank all those persons who have sent his/her letters to us congratulating us on our chapter’s special 10th Anniversary. I am deeply in debt to my entire team – HT, Simon, Kay, Jessica, and Alice, who, despite the pressure that I placed on them, still have done such a wonderful job to have this album published on time. It is with pride and privilege that I welcome my successor as he/she leads our wonderful chapter into its next decade of growth. I am now totally relieved because I know in my heart that we have left him or her very valuable learning and wisdom contained in this book. Barry Hsiung, Ph.D., PMP President, PMI-Taipei, Taiwan Chapter

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不必留戀昨天珍惜今天的擁有 離別時酒店經紀如果我們可以 執手互相道珍重 又何必 一定要留在一起 重複那許多瑣碎的歲月 你會酒店工作將自己的心情重新去調整然後將記憶 默默的收藏起來就在一個旁人無法觸及的角落裡酒店打工 你已經將我深深的藏好 從此不再讓任何人 問起你我的過往 你我之間的糾纏牽掛也酒店兼職只會成為一些 淺淺淡淡的遺憾 沒有結果 而美麗依舊美麗 輝煌照樣輝煌 又何必斤斤室內設計計較時間的長短又何必兜兜轉轉尋求因與果 花兒落了 明日還會開 流星雖逝 美好的裝潢願望依舊在心底 於是所有的日子都輕鬆 於是所有的負重都甜美 於是不會再後悔 於室內裝潢是不會遺憾未了再遺憾 於是過去了的成為回憶 於是今天擁有的不會再無奈 擁有過的室內設計 永遠不會失去 沒有得到的 亦無須苦苦追求 是你的 遲早都是你的 不是你的 永遠都裝潢不會屬於你只要你不為天長地久而苦惱 不必為失去的而遺憾 不必留戀昨天 只在乎曾室內裝潢經擁 就足矣

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星座運勢 - 12星座男生最想娶的老婆類型星座運勢 - 12星座男生最想娶的老婆類型白羊座 會理財的女生。白羊座的男生喜歡獨立的女生,他並不是貪圖對方的理財或者是賺錢能力,而是對方能夠把自己處理的很好,那麼以後就可以把自己的部分都婚禮顧問交給另一半處理,結婚以後就是人生的夥伴。金牛座 能和家人朋友相處融洽的女生。金牛座的男生其實很歡有特色的女生,不過這只限於交往的時候,要娶回家的話就要考慮對方是否跟家人朋友相處融洽,因為這樣另一半就可以代替自己行孝道以及婚禮佈置和跟朋友交際。雙子座 炒飯能力一級棒的女生。雙子座的男生並不是很愛炒飯,而是他覺得這樣的女生很炫,因為雙子男自視甚高,他認為自己是一個很超凡的靈魂,他一定要遇到一個也是非凡人物的對手,這個部分的棋逢對手會讓他覺得很過癮。會場佈置巨蟹座 一定要生且喜歡小孩的女生。巨蟹座的男生會想要娶有母愛的女人,他會觀察對方平常在對待小孩和老人是不是很慈善以及愛心流露的樣子,當然最重要的是一定要生小孩。獅子座 有媽媽味道的女生。獅子座的男生覺得只有媽媽對孩子是真開幕活動情流露,是無私的愛,可以容忍包容他的一切,他會覺得有媽媽味道的另一半才是最瞭解他的。處女座 氣質清純無污染的女生。處女座的男生希望自己的未來對像最好是沒有見過世面的,如果對方見多視廣,在自己面前的清純絕對是裝的,這個背景澎湖民宿都是可以打聽的,如果是女子高校出來的那更是會在處女男心中有加分作用。天秤座 性感漂亮的女生。天秤座的男生喜歡賞心悅目的事物,所以會選擇性感漂亮的女生作為老婆的對象其實是潛意識的選擇,其實他覺得自己沒有這麼勢力眼,看到醜的情趣用品女生他也會很有禮貌。天蠍座 能讓他、聽他、容忍他的女生。天蠍座的男生基本上是活在自己世界裡,並且不是很適應婚姻生活,因此他需要很有包容力的另一半,還有天蠍座喜歡訓話講道理,喜歡好為人師,因此只有受教的女生才受的了他。射手澎湖民宿座 個性特殊又聰明的女生。射手座的男生覺得女生的性格是最重要的,而且他非常希望結婚之後另一半的個性最好不要變,保持本我才能繼續吸引射手男。摩羯座 事業得力好助手的女生。摩羯座的男生覺得另一半能夠瞭解自己的工作,自己就可以花蓮民宿省很多力氣了,如果另一半可以放下手邊的工作來幫助他,那就再好不過了。水瓶座 家世背景好的女生。水瓶座的男生對於另一半會採取高標準,除非對方家世背景很好,這樣才可以促使他為了對方而放棄整片森林,因為他覺得家世背景好的女生氣看房子質才會好,以後的下一代基因才會優良。雙魚座 能讓他少奮鬥20年的女生。雙魚座的男生希望娶來的對象可以補足自己能力不足之處,例如他很軟弱,另一半最好可以強勢一點,兩個人一強一弱配合的天衣無縫,攜手走人生路時就可以減少很多跌倒土地買賣的機會。

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甜美臉蛋魔鬼身材 20歲「汽車融資妹」車上換衣水滴奶超惹火 當鋪 原文網借款址: 【照片】辣圖∕甜美臉蛋魔支票借款鬼身材 20歲「汽車妹」車上換信用貸款衣水滴奶超惹火  

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