馬達加斯加海洋資源遭過度開發加拿大不列顛哥倫比亞大學從事美國沿海計畫的研究人員與駐馬達加斯加的保育組織Blue Ventures發表共同研究報告指出,馬達加斯加逾半個世紀以來的漁獲量,在未受規範的傳買屋統漁民及外國漁船過漁壓力下呈倍數成長。馬達加斯加水產品大多銷往歐洲,而國內政治動盪卻導致三分之二的人民飽受飢餓之苦。來自歐洲及亞洲的外國作業漁船年漁獲量將近8萬公噸(與當地漁民不相上下)酒店經紀,對已遭受過漁衝擊的馬達加斯加漁業來說,無疑是雪上加霜。以出口為主、對國家經濟有重大貢獻的蝦(年捕獲量高達12,000公噸)、鯊魚及海參等重要魚種捕獲量節節衰退。(摘譯自INFOFISH Trade News, 591No. 12/2011,1 July 2011)MARINE RESOURCES DEPLETEDFish catches in Madagascar over the last half-century are double the official reports, and much of thatfish is being caught by G2000unregulated traditional fishers or by foreign fishing vessels. Seafood exportsfrom Madagascar often end up in a European recipe, but are a recipe for political unrest at home,where 房屋貸款two-thirds of the population face hunger. These are the findings of a recent study led byresearchers from the University of British Columbia’s Sea Around US project in collaboration 膠原蛋白withthe Madagascar-based conservation organization Blue Ventures.Foreign fishing fleets from Europe and Asia are placing huge pressure on Madagascar’s fisheries bycatching nearly 商務中心80,000 MT of seafood each year, almost the same amount as local fishermen, and areexacerbating the impact of over-fishing at local levels. Consequently, catches of several key 面膜speciesgroups seem to be in decline, including mostly exported shrimp, shark and sea cucumber.The local shrimp fishery, of prime importance for the national economy, has caught about 設計裝潢12,000 MTannually, but is now declining. Most of these shrimp are destined for export to developed countries.

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